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    22nd Mar 2023

    Introducing Customer Connectr – An exclusive learning space for Connectr customers.

  • Reports

    2nd Mar 2023

    Report: People & HR Strategies in 2023

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  • Reports

    14th Feb 2023

    How can you measure DE&I engagement?

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    8th Feb 2023

    Masterclassing Event – How to Engage your diverse talent groups

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    2nd Dec 2022

    eBook: Retaining Critical Talent

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    4th Nov 2022

    Six tips for engaging Gen Z employees

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    28th Oct 2022

    Team spotlight: 5 minutes with Talia King, CPO at Connectr

  • Reports

    27th Oct 2022

    Connectr’s 1st Birthday Impact Report

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    25th Oct 2022

    Connectr celebrates its first birthday!

  • Reports

    19th Oct 2022

    What does mentoring mean to real mentors?

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    7th Oct 2022

    How mentoring and learning and development drive employee retention

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    29th Sep 2022

    Mentoring matters: our learnings from an employee engagement masterclass


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