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  • Articles

    9th Jul 2024

    What do schools want from their employer partnerships?

  • Articles

    3rd Jul 2024

    What teachers wish employers would support them with on Green Skills

  • Articles

    3rd Jul 2024

    What are the biggest reasons for the disconnect between education and the evolving world of work AND what can we do about it?

  • Reports

    10th Nov 2023

    National Grid Social Impact Report 2023: London Power Tunnels

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  • Reports

    7th Nov 2023

    Solving the Green Skills Crisis facing your organisation: The Business Case

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  • Articles

    23rd Oct 2023

    National Grid site tour: the student perspective on what makes a great event

  • Articles

    4th Sep 2023

    Exciting update from Team Connectr

  • Articles

    7th Aug 2023

    The green skills gap between schools and employers

  • Articles

    31st Jul 2023

    Connectr Awards 2023: Celebrating our employer partners

  • Articles

    7th Jun 2023

    Connectr announces launch of Green Skills Workforce Coalition and latest research on sentiment towards green jobs

  • Articles

    26th Apr 2023

    A green-skills disconnect: employers and their future workforce 

  • Reports

    31st Mar 2023

    School Career Provision Report

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