What are average renege rates?


5th August 2022



Young black man at desktop computer completes his first day of work.

Q. What are average renege rates?

Recent research conducted by Garner reveals the extent of the problem. Based on a survey of 3,600 candidates in June 2022, Gartner’s found that 44% of candidates are currently backing out of their offer acceptances. Plus, nearly half of candidates who accept a role say they are still open to other offers. This is an increase from 36% in 2019.  

Gartner’s research provides additional insight into current trends in the 2022 jobs market:  

86% of candidates who can work remotely, whether hybrid or fully remote, prefer to work more than 50% of the time remotely. Nearly half say they would forego 10% higher pay for flexibility where they work. 59% said they would be willing to forego a job with 10% higher pay for a job with a better work-life balance